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Käännös - English Fundamentals of the Vocational Upper Secondary Qualification in Forestry, approx. 300 pages
Finnish to English: Metsanhoitajien maa = The Land of Foresters General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Forestry / Wood / Timber
Lähdeteksti - Finnish Suomessa vallitsee ristiriita metsätaloudesta vallitsevan yleisen käsityksen ja metsätalouden todellisuuden välillä. Metsien hoito oletetaan mallikelpoiseksi ja puuntuotanto tehokkaaksi. Todellisuudessa metsätalous on kaaoksen tilassa niin yritystoimintana kuin metsien käsittelynäkin. Tässä tutkimuksessa on selvitetty syitä metsätalouden vinoutuneeseen kehitykseen ja siihen, ettei yksikään metsäalan ryhmä tai metsäntutkijat ole vinoutumista havainnut. Perussyiksi on todettu metsäalan korporatiivinen hallinto ja metsänhoitajien ammattikulttuuri. Hallinto antaa metsänhoitajille lähes rajattoman vallan ohjata metsätaloutta ja ohjausta harjoitetaan kulttuurilla, jonka asenteita ovat maatalousvastaisuus, puutteellinen liiketaloudellinen osaaminen ja yhteiskunnallinen sokeus. Ohjauksen tuloksena metsäalalle on syntynyt maailmassa ainutlaatuinen totalitaarisen korporatismin järjestelmä, joka muistuttaa sosialistista yhteiskuntajärjestelmää ja on ristiriidassa Suomen luonnonolojen ja maanomistusolojen kanssa. Tutkimuksen kohteena ovat metsäalan päättäjät, joille pyritään osoittamaan keinoja palauttaa Suomen metsätalous kaaoksen tilasta tuottavaksi yritys- ja elinkeinotoiminnaksi.
Käännös - English A state of conflict prevails in Finland between the general concept of the forestry practised in the country and the reality of Finnish forestry. The way the forests are treated is assumed to be exemplary and the resultant wood production is assumed to be efficient. In reality, forestry in Finland is in a state of chaos, both as a commercial business activity and as regards forest treatment. The present research undertaking looks into the causes behind the skewed development of forestry in Finland. It also explores the matter of why no entity in the Finnish forest sector and why no forest researcher has noted this skewedness. The main causes found are the corporative system of administration in the field of forestry and the Finnish foresters' professional culture. The system of administration has provided Finnish foresters with more or less unlimited powers in guiding Finnish forestry, and this guidance is practised on cultural base characterised by anti-farming attitudes, inadequate business economics expertise, and societal blindness. As a result of this guidance, a globally unique system of totalitarian corporatism has come into being in the field of forestry in Finland, a system resembling the socialist system of society and one that is at variance with Finland's natural conditions and landownership structure. The research also focuses on decision-makers in the field of Finnish forestry and the author endeavours to point out some means of reinstating Finnish forestry from its present state of chaos back to a productive field of commerce and livelihood.
Other - Authorized translators' Board of Examiners, Helsinki
Kääntämiskokemus vuosina: 35 Rekisteröitynyt ProZ.comiin: Jan 2000 Liittyi jäseneksi: Aug 2002.
English to Finnish (Virallisten kääntäjien tutkintolautakunta, verified) English to Finnish (Finland (Authorised Translator), verified) Finnish to English (Virallisten kääntäjien tutkintolautakunta, verified) Finnish to English (Finland (Authorised Translator), verified) German to English (Univ. of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate)
English to Finnish (Finnish National Board of Education (Examination Board of Authorized Translators))
Adobe Acrobat, FrameMaker, Frontpage, Indesign, MateCat, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Kielikone tools, SDL Studio 2019, SDL Studio 2021, SDL Studio 2022, Wordfast, Other CAT tool, Pagemaker, Passolo, Powerpoint, SDLX, Trados Studio, Wordfast
Est. 1989, palette of half-a-dozen languages and their combinations. user of translation software, MOT Kielipalvelu (Finnish-English-Finnish) and Studio 2014-2017-2019-2021-2022. Authorized/Certified translator. Specialization field is forestry and forest industries and education.
My most demanding jobs so far: one commissioned by the Prime Minister's Office (Finland) and two localization projects (UK & US). I and colleagues continue to do work for various universities and research institutes. Also, two glossary/dictionary projects (education, published in 1998) and forestry terminology (unpublished)).
In 1998, a 350 p. book in English on the Finnish forest industries. And in 2011, a textbook of 270 pages translated into English; Metsäkoulu = Finnish Forestry, Practice and Management. At about the same time, I also completed a set of forestry training course descriptions (some 250 pages) Finnish-into-English for a vocational college in Western Finland.
In December, 2013, I brought to successful conclusion the translation, Finnish-into-English, of a doctoral dissertation of 520 standard pages. The title of the dissertation is: METSÄNHOITAJIEN MAA - A LAND OF FORESTERS by Lauri Vaara, University of Helsinki.
Most recently, I was asked to translate into English a senior high school physics textbook of approx. 500 pages (as yet unpublished).
I have also served as interpreter at several depositions, in Helsinki and Salo and Tampere and Oulu (all in Finland), in London (UK). Patents were the themes at these events.