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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Varmistettu sivuston käyttäjä
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Finnish to English: Geology General field: Science Detailed field: Geology
Lähdeteksti - Finnish Mustaliuske- ja metakarbonaattisivukivien sinkin, kuparin ja nikkelin pitoisuudet ylittävät saastuneen maan arviointiin suositetut SAMASE toimenpideraja-arvot (taulukko 1). Arseenin ja vanadiinin keskiarvopitoisuus ylittää SAMASE toimenpideraja-arvon vain mustaliuskesivukiven osalta.
Käännös - English The contents of zinc, copper and nickel in the black shale and metacarbonate country rock exceed the SAMASE limit values recommended for the evaluation of contaminated soil (Table 1). The average content of arsenic and vanadium exceeds the SAMASE limit value for the black shale country rock only.
Swedish to English: Road construction General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Construction / Civil Engineering
Lähdeteksti - Swedish Beskriv nuvarande väg och ange dess funktion. Med funktion avses för statlig väghållning nationell, regional eller lokal väg. I tätortsperspektivet utnyttjas TRÅD-terminologin: förbifart, genomfart, infart etc. Beskriv även vägbredd, kollektivkörfält, gång- och cyckelvägar och teras nättillhörighet, trafikrestriktioner etc. Beskriv föreslagen väg översiktligt med angivande av funktion i vägsystemet, vägbredd och vald hastighetsstandard.
Käännös - English Describe the present road and specify its function. Function here means whether, from the aspect of state road maintenance, it is a national, regional or local road. TRÅD terminology shall be used in view of densely populated areas: bypass, thoroughfare, entry etc. Also describe the road width, the lanes for public transport, the pedestrian and bicycle paths and the associated networks, traffic restrictions, etc. Describe the proposed road concisely, indicating its function in the road system, the road width, and the recommended speed standard.
Estonian to English: Viniculture/marketing General field: Marketing Detailed field: Wine / Oenology / Viticulture
Lähdeteksti - Estonian Tegelikult Quinta dos Cozinheiros’es me usume, et masin, kuigi see võib olla vajalik mõningate tööde jaoks, ei ole veel võimeline valima parimaid oksi, kõrvaldama kasutuid võrseid, eraldama tooreid viinamarju küpsetest, põhimõtteliselt ei ole valmis optimeerima lõikuse kvaliteeti ja tervust.
Seepärast me näeme vaeva hoidmaks inimese ratsionaalsust juhtivates töödes, meeste teadmisi ja jõudu kasvatamaks ja paremaks tegemaks veini, naiste hoolivust ja pehmust valimaks parimaid vilju, sest me usume, et just selles viinamarjaistanduses hakkame me tegema parimat veini.
Käännös - English Indeed, in Quinta dos Cozinheiros we believe, that a machine, although useful for certain tasks, is not yet capable of selecting the best boughs, removing the useless shoots, or separating the unripe grapes from the ripe; in principle is not capable of optimising the harvesting quality and the cutting.
Therefore, we take pain to preserve the human rationality in the leading tasks, the knowledge and strength of men for growing and improving the wine, the care and gentleness of women for selecting the best grapes, because we believe that in this vineyard, of all others, we will be making the best wine.
Other - Tallinn Pedagogical University
Kääntämiskokemus vuosina: 32 Rekisteröitynyt ProZ.comiin: Oct 2004
Former award-winning student in languages, I have a second background in strategic management consulting. I write prose and I am also strong in science. This helps me grasp, and correctly render, texts in a wide variety of miscellaneous subjects, even as diverse as, for example, poetry or marketing/advertising, or financial or investment reports or prospectuses, or the content of software development projects, or many more, for nearly 20 years by now.
I always research thoroughly to ensure that I use approved terminology that also feels familiar to the actual users of the end translation or is "the trend of the moment", whichever. That it sounds as they normally speak.
I convey the details of the original message minutely - accuracy indeed is one of my main strengths. I also prefer accuracy over beauty as a translation policy, therefore might be less suitable for clients who simply need something that "sounds nice", not caring about the real content or message of the source. NB! Please mind that it is always advisable to third-party-edit texts that are to be published or otherwise delivered to wider audiences.
I send fast replies and, of course, honour the deadlines (inform and negotiate, if unforeseen complications arise).
I love to translate and love to excel in my work. For a client it means you do not have to worry, as about the deadline or quality or even how the result will reflect on your image as a business. I cover all these worries for you.
Tämä käyttäjä on ansainnut KudoZ-pisteitä auttamalla kääntäjiä PRO-tason termeissä. Näet annetut termikäännökset napsauttamalla pisteiden kokonaismäärää.