Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Jun 29 '12 rus>eng благочинный больничных церквей Rev. provost of hospital chapels the archpriest (protoierej) XXXX pro closed no
- Apr 10 '11 rus>eng блаженство beatitude pro closed ok
- Apr 1 '11 rus>eng неомраченного untarnished/immaculate/limpid pro closed ok
- Mar 8 '11 rus>eng сыроядцы боязливые timid wildmen (who don't cook their food) pro closed no
- Jan 8 '11 rus>eng добронравие good / orderly behaviour. pro closed ok
- Mar 7 '10 rus>eng По пастве и пастыри like flock, like shepherd pro closed ok
- Jan 16 '10 rus>eng Библия как памятка литературы The Bible as Literary Heritage pro closed ok
- Jan 5 '10 rus>eng Difference between 'сознающий' and 'сознаваемый' the unity of) knowing, the known (, and the act of cognition pro closed no
- Jan 4 '10 rus>eng укоренение миссионерской символики, This) entrenchment of the missonary symbolism (certainly had no effect on the imperial rhetoric of b pro closed no
- Dec 31 '09 rus>eng отдав каждого его собственному племени (having) rendered each (of them) back onto his own tribe/folk pro closed no
- Dec 31 '09 rus>eng отсюда заспешили (here) That was why the bearers of good tidings put henceforth on hasty feet pro closed no
- Dec 31 '09 rus>eng соратничество (here) celestial complicity pro closed ok
- Dec 29 '09 rus>eng о примате имперского над христианским primacy of the Imperial over the Christian domain pro closed no
- Dec 25 '09 rus>eng Спорят между собой (твоя) храбрость и (твоя) кротость, кто именно из них привел Audacity and meekness argue with each other – which of the two has/had brought ... pro closed no
- Dec 25 '09 rus>eng сенат (here) the Host (here) pro closed ok
- Dec 25 '09 rus>eng направлял борозду kept the Teaching from straying, thus multiplying Lord's harvest pro closed ok
- Dec 21 '09 rus>eng списки (здесь) facsimiles/renderings pro closed ok
3 Dec 20 '09 rus>eng стучащему да откроется knock and it shalt be open pro closed no
- Dec 18 '09 rus>eng первоучители first canon setters pro closed ok
- Oct 15 '09 rus>eng превращения (here) transmogrifcations pro closed no
- Sep 16 '09 rus>eng каково было подступаться...каково было вступить must've been hard approaching them... and even harder to enter (the conversation etc..) pro closed no
- Jul 26 '09 rus>eng И доверил он им христианскую веру (sic!) And he confided the Christian faith to them pro closed no
- Jul 22 '09 rus>eng праведное смешается с грешным (Второе послание Павла к иудеям) (and) the righteousness will be tainted with sin pro closed ok
- Jul 19 '09 rus>eng не браняхоу... женитв бещисленых творити did not censure polygamy pro closed no
- Jul 6 '09 rus>eng своеобразное зеркало Б-га и его творения a sui-generis mirror of God and his creation pro closed no
- Jul 6 '09 rus>eng взвешенность в поступках well-pondered behaviour pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered