Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- May 5 '21 eng>ita unconducted wanderers girovaghi avventurosi pro closed no
- Apr 16 '21 eng>fra wrapped up in the fun vous éclater pro closed ok
- Apr 14 '21 eng>ita broken waterline in the middle of rush hour traffic (come) una tubatura/un tubo dell’acqua che esplode inondando il traffico all’ora di punta pro open no
4 Apr 7 '21 eng>ita Cat is out of the bag that is in Canada La notizia è saltata fuori e ormai la voce si sarà sparsa fino in Canada pro closed no
4 Apr 2 '21 eng>fra memorialization travail de mémoire easy closed no
- Mar 31 '21 eng>ita a rebel without a cause in/con un gesto di sfida (un po' puerile) pro closed no
4 Mar 2 '21 fra>ita Un plaidoyer pour l'appellation. un argomento (discorso) a favore della denominazione pro closed ok
- Feb 11 '21 fra>ita un portrait fantasmé un ritratto fantasmatico easy open no
- Jan 13 '21 eng>fra I am enough ce que je suis suffit pro closed ok
4 Jan 10 '21 eng>ita I can’t switch to non posso (me la sento di) mettermi a easy closed no
- Jan 10 '21 eng>ita not everything has to be said? non è necessario dirsi/dirci tutto? easy closed ok
- Jan 2 '21 fra>ita mollement inerte pro just_closed no
- Jan 2 '21 fra>ita piqués cosparsi di puntini di pro closed ok
- Dec 17 '20 eng>ita why are you talking about us being friends perché parli di quando eravamo amici/della nostra passata amicizia easy closed no
- Dec 15 '20 eng>ita Sexy-AF bones fottuta voglia di saltargli addosso/scopare/fare sesso con lui pro closed no
- Dec 10 '20 eng>ita safe holidays feste sicure/senza rischi pro closed ok
- Dec 6 '20 eng>ita Why so graphic? perché così melodrammatico? easy closed no
- Nov 30 '20 eng>ita Karmatically I don’t like it karmaticamente parlando, non mi piace easy closed ok
- Nov 30 '20 eng>ita you can work them out puoi occupartene/risolverli da sola easy closed no
- Nov 11 '20 eng>fra deck the halls Resplendissez sous le sapin/Brillez pour les fêtes pro closed ok
- Nov 6 '20 eng>ita To have one's headlights on avere tutte le carte in mano pro closed ok
- Oct 15 '20 eng>ita The cat that got the cream la faccia di qualcuno che ha vinto alla lotteria pro closed ok
- Oct 9 '20 fra>ita meilleures salutations i nostri migliori saluti easy closed no
- Sep 20 '20 eng>fra continual everlasting drifting une sempiternelle dérive/errance easy closed ok
- Sep 18 '20 eng>fra Blaze incendie easy closed ok
- Sep 18 '20 eng>fra On fire en feu easy closed ok
4 Sep 16 '20 eng>fra arranged to be in tu a fait en sorte qu'ils soient / participent easy closed ok
- Aug 18 '20 eng>fra not a place to simply go to simplement un lieu à visiter easy closed ok
- Aug 17 '20 eng>fra wears his hair very short to the head a une coupe de cheveux très courte pro closed no
- Aug 17 '20 eng>fra declares things to be so affirme à maintes reprises et de façon catégorique que les choses sont ainsi/c’est ainsi easy closed ok
- Aug 17 '20 eng>fra what hell is about a montré ce qu’il en est de/ce qu’est l’enfer easy closed ok
- Aug 16 '20 eng>fra it’s over with c’est définitif, fixe, immuable easy closed ok
4 Aug 12 '20 eng>fra go under couler easy closed ok
- Aug 10 '20 eng>fra where you’ll find yourself, it’s falling où vous vous trouverez cela va arriver/ se produire easy closed ok
- Aug 3 '20 eng>ita you want to be an emotional cripple vuoi (cerchi di) mostrarti impassibile / distaccata easy closed no
- Jul 31 '20 eng>ita I love that greasy taste of the oil l'odore denso/viscoso easy closed no
- Jul 31 '20 eng>ita It's all been arranged l'organizzazione è perfetta easy closed no
- Jul 29 '20 eng>fra boldness avec assurance / sans crainte easy closed ok
4 Jul 28 '20 eng>fra rubbing their back pansait leurs blessures easy closed ok
- Jul 25 '20 eng>fra through naked eyes dessiller easy closed ok
4 Jul 22 '20 eng>fra embracing absolute repentance en faisant acte de d’entière/complète/totale/absolue repentance easy closed ok
- Jul 21 '20 eng>fra there was a knowing that he took stock of you vous saviez qu'il vous avait jaugé du regard easy closed ok
- Jul 21 '20 eng>fra lock of gazes lorsque leurs/les regards se croisaient easy closed ok
4 Jul 19 '20 eng>fra demons reserved under chains in darkness démons gardés enchaînés dans l'obscurité easy closed ok
- Jul 14 '20 eng>fra please their flesh and desires assouvir leur chair et leurs (ses) désirs easy closed ok
4 Jul 14 '20 eng>fra a mind of your own vous ne pensez/jugez plus par vous-mêmes easy closed ok
4 Jul 12 '20 eng>fra be in a line sur un seul rang easy closed ok
4 Jul 12 '20 eng>fra struggle être à la peine (se donner du mal) easy closed ok
4 Jul 9 '20 eng>fra crowded around him sont venus se presser autour de lui easy closed ok
- Jul 10 '20 eng>fra roll down the stairs il a dévalé trois marche easy closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered