Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Aug 2 '22 rus>eng Только их реально надо погулять But you really gotta go all out pro closed no
4 Aug 2 '22 rus>eng Куда еще центрее за такие деньги? How much more central were you hoping to get on that budget? pro closed no
- Aug 2 '22 rus>eng Что вот так вот сразу? You don't like to waste time, do you? pro closed no
4 Dec 23 '20 eng>eng .....pal that's a long time getting up, pro closed no
- Sep 21 '20 rus>eng сыроедение vegan (veganism) pro open no
- Sep 11 '20 rus>eng Ну куда вы? Hey, where you going? pro closed ok
4 Sep 6 '20 rus>eng Зато я вас прекрасно узнал. But I realized who you were. pro closed no
- May 25 '20 eng>eng See.... Something like: pro closed no
4 May 22 '20 eng>eng ..................expecting you Ah yes, sir! His Lordship has been pro closed no
4 May 21 '20 eng>eng eldest son...... Here's most of it: pro closed no
4 May 21 '20 eng>eng I'm finally..... retired pro closed no
4 May 21 '20 eng>eng I..... By jove, you do know your Byron! pro closed no
4 May 20 '20 eng>eng very heavy!......... All right, I won't hold you any further. pro closed no
4 May 19 '20 eng>eng Disturbance? No. You............................... you're the only disturbance I've had pro closed no
- Apr 30 '20 eng>eng "Stonewall Matilda" uncommunicative pro just_closed no
4 Dec 3 '19 rus>eng А что, так можно было что ли? Damn, why didn't I think of that? / For real? That was an option? pro closed no
4 Nov 24 '19 eng>eng What do they say? New example. almost correct pro closed no
- Nov 22 '19 eng>eng What exactly is she saying? oh yeah...what a bitch n*gga's shot, eh? pro closed no
4 Nov 2 '19 eng>eng own kind same type easy closed ok
- Oct 28 '19 rus>eng режиссерское решение экранного произведения Director's cut pro closed no
3 Oct 17 '19 rus>eng Камера наезжает ZOOM IN on / DOLLY IN pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered