The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

French to English Advertising / Public Relations Translation Glossary

French term English translation
l’Opening The Opening
Entered by: Carol Gullidge
mobilier flottant floating furniture
"Nous vous souhaitons de passer un agréable moment parmi nous" We hope you will enjoy your dining experience
'Pre-UNE' spéciale Special Preview
(industrie) du public address marekting communications/PR/advertising agencies
360 corolle résille 360º perimeter netting
A Nouveau du Nouveau Innovations ... again!
Entered by: Paula Price
accompagnement product support
Entered by: Michael Tovbin
accroche tagline
accueil en entreprise corporate reception
acheteur d'art art buyer
acteurs en séance dédicace actors' autograph signing
Entered by: Susan McDonald
Entered by: Mark Nathan
AFFICHAGE MASSIF dedans/dehors massive indoor/outdoor advertising campaign
affiches huit morceaux 8-sheet posters
agit en toute transparence acts in a fully transparent manner
Amateur éclairé (jeu de mot pour des bougies) For the Enlightened; Light up your life
Entered by: NancyLynn
analyse de tonalité analysis of tone
annonce de diffusion broadcast announcement
annonce presse reprise sans les partis pris press advertisement edited without bias
apparente à un dossier This section resembles a special report/takes the shape of a special report
Appuyer la reconnaissance des collaborateurs highlight/emphasise employee recognition
argumentaire information / product leaflet
arrosé (washed down) with plenty of wine/boozy
asile flyer
aspirationnel aspirational
Entered by: John Marston
atelier métier business line workshop
au devant de la scène back in the spotlight
Entered by: NancyLynn
au top de la séduction at your most attractive
audience utile effective reach
avec des suspensions on hanging displays
Entered by: Philippa Smith
axes de travail our focus is on ...
à l’encontre de contrary to, in violation of
à vous la main It's your deal!
éditions presse publications
élévation [here] uplift
Entered by: Wyley Powell
émetteur content providers/web-based news sources/webcasters
Entered by: Gwynneth Kably
épuré refined,,elegant,stylish
étude de ligne route study
Entered by: Nicky Over
évolution du système de marque… changes in branding strategy
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