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Spanish to English Law (general) Translation Glossary

Spanish term English translation
Abogado Asociado Director Lead Associate Attorney [Counsel]
abogado catedratico law professor
Abogado Consejero Attorney-Advisor
Entered by: patinba
abogado constituido y apoderado especial attorney of record and authorized agent
abogado de confianza personal lawyer
Abogado de la República. state-licensed lawyer / attorney (US) - accredited lawyer / attorney
Entered by: Ana Claudia Macoretta
Abogado del Estado (exc.) State Lawyer (on leave)
Entered by: BristolTEc
Abogado en el libre ejercicio independent/private practice lawyer/attorney
Abogado Patrono the attorney/lawyer representing...
abogado t. 80 f.137 tomo [volume], folio [page]
abogado togado militar military barrister/lawyer
Entered by: Kate Major Patience
Abogado vs. Procurador lawyer and attorney or proxy
abogados patronos sponsoring attorney
ABONO con Iguala especializada Specialised retainer packages
abono legal credit(s) available by law
ABONO TASA DE JUSTICIA Nro. XX Payment of Court Fees - (Receipt) No. XX
ABREVIAR EN EL CUERPO DE ESTE CONTRATO (for the purposes of) brevity (...) shall hereinafter (be referred to as...)
abriéndose un periodo para la formalización de la misma granting it (a period of) 60 days to exercise such option
Entered by: Richard Hill
Abriendo, siguiendo y culminando los expedientes Comencing, pursuing and closing the necessary proceedings....
abrir a prueba in compliance with the law = a prueba por el término de ley
abrogarse / abrogándose (misuse of "abrogarse")
Entered by: Rebecca Jowers
absolución acquittal / finding of not guilty
absolución antelada de responsabilidad advance discharge from liability
Entered by: Olaf Reibedanz
absolución de consulta reply to the question
absolutoria recaída favorable decision handed down (in this context)
absolvent the litigant who was summoned to answer interrogatories
absolver de la instancia (AmE) dismiss the case without prejudice; (BrE) enter an open-ended nolle prosequi
absolver de la pérdida de la patria potestad (the suit to) divest/deprive [...] of custody rights [...] is denied
absolver excepciones answer objections
absolver posiciones en prueba de confesión judicial to reply to interrogatories for evidence in a deposition
absolver posiciones y confesar en juicio answer interrogatories and testify in lawsuits
absolver y articular posiciones replication and statement of the parties (plaintiff and defendant) to a questioning / examination
absolviendo el traslado to answer the summons/complaint/lawsuit/writ / in response to...
Entered by: Rafa Lombardino
absorbidos o compensados, absorbed or set off
absorción takeover
abstención forbearance; waiver
abstención por decoro conflict of interest recusal / Motion to recuse judge...
absuelve el traslado acknowledges proper service
abuso de superioridad abuse of power/authority
ac. part. Acusación particular
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