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Spanish to English Law (general) Translation Glossary

Spanish term English translation
acreditar los elementos constitutivos del delito que resulte showing the elements of any crime ( ) that may be discovered
acreditar personería to certify its legal status
acredite tal condición (ver contexto) submit evidence of such capacity [see below]
Entered by: Catherine Reay
Acredito mi condición de I demonstrate ...
acreeditar Competencia del tribunal en el dictado de la medida to establish jurisdiction of the Court for ruling on the motion/petition/appeal/injunction
Acreedor (para petición genérica) Creditor/supplier (gor generic bid)
acreedor pignoraticio secured creditor
acreedora a una condena deserving (warrant) a conviction (Proz)
Entered by: Coral Getino
acreedores alimentarios. entitled to receive child support/maintenance
Acronym 'NIG' General Identification Number
acta minutes
acta de advenimiento (Venezuela) memorandum of agreement
acta de afianzamiento inmigratorio Certificate of Immigration Consolidation
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
acta de archivo notice of discontinuance
Acta de Asamblea General Ordinaria Minutes of Regular General Assembly
Acta de audiencia de asignación Transcript of Guardianship Hearing
acta de audiencia levantada al efecto record of hearing issued for the purpose
Entered by: EirTranslations
acta de comisión urbana Urban Commission/Committee Certificate
acta de constatacion Acknowledgement Record
acta de constitución del jurado committee empanelment (BE) record/ (AE) docket
acta de debate [public] court hearing minutes
acta de declaración juramentada con fines extraprocesales sworn statement for extrajudicial purposes
Acta de declaracion witness statement
Acta de deslacrado (sample) acceptance and unsealing
Entered by: Elvia Rodriguez
acta de diligencia record of proceedings
acta de divorcio divorce record
acta de drogas drug-related police reports
Acta de Ejecución Stage Completion Certificate
Acta de Emplazamiento proof of service
Acta de Entrega Record of Transfer of Custody; "Act" of transfer of custody
acta de entrega de cadáver Order For Release (of remains)
Acta de fundación celebrada Charter executed
Acta de identificación de titular real Record (or Affidavit) of beneficial owner identification
acta de incautación notice of seizure /record of seizure
Acta de incautación de sustancia estupefaciente Narcotics Seizure Record/Report
acta de inicio minute of contract start-up
Entered by: EirTranslations
Acta de Inutíl Tentativa (writ of) failure of reconciliation
Acta de juicio trial record
acta de la subasta auction record
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