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Spanish to English Law (general) Translation Glossary

Spanish term English translation
aceptar o impugnar consignaciones y oblaciones accept or challenge consignments and payments
aceptar pura y simplemente to accept unconditionally
aceptar puramente / repudiar puramente accept unconditionally / renounce unconditionally
acepte la compra / escritura de aceptación de compra agrees to the purchase/notarial deed of purchase acceptance
acepto y protesto I accept and promise
Entered by: Elizabeth Novesky
acercarse a un criterio de justicia comes nowhere near any notion of justice
ACG Amston Chile Group
aclaraciones Marginal notes
aclarar y adicionar clarify and add to
ACLARARSE, DESISTIRSE, CONVENIR EN LA DEMANDA clarify, withdraw or agree with the complaint
ACLARATORIA DE SENTENCIA petition to have the judge clarify part of the judgment
Acogerlo a tramitación admitted it, (to admit),
acogiéndose a la vecindad civil común based upon continuous residency under ordinary civil law
acogió superficialmente las precalificaciones jurídicas the judge perfunctorily adopted the preliminary charges argued by the....
acogidas para el vencedor incurred/claimed by the prevailing party
Acogimiento Familiar Administrativo Voluntary Foster Care Placement
acometidas de los suministros previstos por red connections of the main network supplies
acomodados distorted/manipulated
acompañado de todas las diligencias efectuadas along with all of the steps/measures taken
acompañado de un hombre bueno by an arbiter
acompañamiento (Colombia, lic. pública) monitoring system
acompañamiento precontractual y contractual oversight / monitoring before and during the contract period
acompañamiento social social support
Acopio possession / stockpiling
acordar (in this context) determine/order/establish
acordes suaves smooth transitions
acostumbra a celebrar audiencias ..where it normally holds hearings..
Acotado it will be restricted/limited by a ....
acrecidos financieros investment accruals (earnings)
acreciendo cuanto exceda de la legitima estricta a quienes acepten dicho legado the share of those who accept the said legacy being increased by the excess
acredita que vive en concubinato con certifies/confirms/states that she cohabits with
acredita situación migratoria regular evidences legal migratory/immigration status
acreditación parcial acumulable cumulative partial accreditation
Entered by: Hans Geluk
acreditando la fecha de aquel documentalmente by certifying its date with proper documentation
acreditandolo con el primer testimonio de la escritura publica... capacity that he proves by first transcript of public deed/document/instrument number
acreditar al apoderado con copia de identificación credit or authorize the agent or representative (by means of copy of) with copy of identification
Entered by: Silvia Brandon-Pérez
acreditar documentalmente supply documents/documentation
acreditar en autos is shown on the record/there is a record of the...
Entered by: Edward Tully
acreditar identidad to show proof of identity
ACREDITAR LA RUBRICACIÓN DE LOS LIBROS CONTABLES Y SOCIALES provide evidence that the accounting and corporate records have been officially registered
Entered by: patinba
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