The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Spanish to English Marketing Translation Glossary

Spanish term English translation
se desea profundizar en las motivaciones deeper/further insight into motivations is desired
se detectan algunas carencias en la gestión de la calidad there are some matters that need attention in the area of quality management
se estima un plazo de realización aproximado de X the term for project completion is estimated to be approximately XXXX
se ha preocupado por who have given special attention to... / who have given priority
se han recogido have been included
Entered by: Edward Tully
se metió / estilo avasallante Domineering as ever, XXX took on the industrial ice-cream sector
se origina a partir de una culpa that originates from a particular sense of guilt
Entered by: Wilsonn Perez Reyes
Se plantea un trabajo de consultoría y asesoramiento XXX makes a job proposal to provide consulting and advisory services for the training...
se preocupa por obtener retroalimentación de sus consumidores places emphasis on consumer feedback
se presupuestará más adelante el resto de países the rest of the countries will be budgeted for at a later date/later on
Entered by: liz askew
se pueden seguir gráfica y puntualmente los indicadores de negocio means you can monitor business indicators, and carefully scrutinize; in real-time! (see below)
se refleja en el interior mediante la búsqueda is reflected in the interior design, which is of the highest quality
se retroalimentan complement each other (perfectly)
señal sign
Entered by: Valeria Verona
señal en curso Signal in progress
Señalizar Refer
sector energético, sector estratégico sector energético, sector estratégico
Seguimientos mensuales y ajustes de prediciones Monthly follow-ups and adjustments to forecasts
segunda exposicion secondary display
seguro limitado fixed and guaranteed direct prize
Entered by: Elizabeth Novesky
Seleccionables selectable
sello de la distribución Distribution Seal
Entered by: Hazel Whiteley
semilleros de empresas business incubators
Entered by: Gerardo Comino
ser escalable(s) to be scalable
ser invisibles es la mejor manera de ayudarte remaining in the background is the best way to help you/give you peace of mind
será clave para la medición del Retorno will be key in measuring the return on...
será el propio de estimación de la demanda which will be the actual model used for the estimation
servicio eficiente efficient service
servicio especializado Specialized service
servicio post-venta;expositores after sales service: displays
servicio próximo convenient local service
servucción servuction
si la razón es su capacidad de pago if the reason for reducing the size of the loan is the borrower\'s low payment capacity
si lo se sigo if I had known I would have continued
si por razones de inadecuación (a la posición) because he or she is unsuitable for the position
siempre podrá contactar con un profesional dispuesto a professional staff member will always be available to assist you
siendo por momentos un vendaval ofensivo (which offered) some moments of (great) offensive play (from...)
siente la diferencia con respecto a nuestra competencia enjoy our unparalleled services/quality/...
signo con capacidad marcaria sign as a trademark
simulaciones computacionales computational simulations
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