The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Spanish to English Marketing Translation Glossary

Spanish term English translation
quiero ganar una promo I want to win a promo
quitar de circulación to make undesirable
radio de influencia range/sphere of influence
Rappels Recalls - Retiradas del Mercado
ratio de CT CTR
ratios de explotación comercial commercial exploitation ratios
Régimen Comisionista Commission Basis
reacción-tipo promedio an average reaction rate
reajuste del ciclo readjustment of the (housing market) cycle
realizados para bancos research carried out/conducted for banks
Entered by: Edward Tully
realizados provinciales/mayores people who have made good in the province/provincial success stories///seniors who have made good
realizar controles perform/carry out spot checks
realizar la logística we do the logistics
recibe las siguientes denominaciones de acuerdo con los tramos is named according to the different sections of track/lines as below:
reclamos claims
recobrar la modernidad desde la tradición a modern approach built on tradition
Recordacion brand recognition
recorrido de optimización path to optimization
Recuerda que puedes ser uno de los ganadores del viaje Don't forget that *you* can be one of the lucky winners
recuerdo recall
referencia model
referida al desarrollo en shall be implemented in
Reformulación síntesis / Reformulación hecho summary /summarized restatement // restatement (of the facts?)
Entered by: William Pairman
Reforzar y posicionar su imagen enhance/strengthen and position the company's image
Entered by: Rebecca Hendry
refuerzos back-up staff
reglas del mercado market rules
Entered by: SandraV
relacionar este sentimiento con su forma de actuar to relate this feeling with their behavior pattern
remarcar la identificación con la marca del periodico. stress the identification with the newspaper brand
remate punchline
Entered by: Valeria Verona
Render de la infografia architectural rendering of information graphics
Entered by: patinba
renovado rebooted
Rentabilización del cliente Customer profitability
renuncia fiscal tax expenditure; tax relief offered; tax benefits offered
repercusión media average price per square metre
representación que acredita según escritura credited as representative according to the bylaws of incorporation
representaciones correspondientes corresponding representations
rescatando lo mejor de las dos taking the best from both
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
resistencia al paso del tiempo their ability to stand the test of time/their longlasting nature
respecto al plan previsto with respect to the baseline plan
respecto del uso de dos medios in comparison with/compared to the use of only two media
Entered by: Edward Tully
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