The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Spanish to English General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters Translation Glossary

Spanish term English translation
comiendo rábanos painful, but good for you
comisaria+corregimiento province, village
comisión (como notario) commission expires
Entered by: Laura Gómez
como conjunción de as the combination of
como en el tango like in the tango
Como muelo \'How you insist\' /how you go on about it\'/ \'I\'m too insistent\'
Entered by: Robert Long
como no podía ser de otra manera As it could not have been otherwise
Como pareja le aporta estabilidad y apoyo as a partner she provides him with stability and support
Entered by: Carol Gullidge
como practicamente toda nuestra generacion devoradores de gran series like practically all our generation, we are fervent/passionate consumers/fans of a great series
Como referencia principal As leading example
como si en ese intento de coger confianza conmigo le fuera la vida as if his life depended on this attempt to befriend me/ to gain my confidence
como surge de los indicios de naturaleza inequívoca as can be seen from the unmistakable evidence
como uña y carne were an intrinsic part of
comodín wild card / joker
Entered by: Coral Getino
compañera (de escuela) de banco the girl sitting next to me
competencias simuladas copycat rivalry
Compl. dom. complemento domicilio = additional data / additional address information
complementar complement (the use of)
complementar la enseñanza en el sistema educativo as supplement to the teaching process in the education system
completas full
Entered by: Alicia Orfalian
complexión robusta, cabello quebrado heavy build, curly hair
compota pal
Entered by: BristolTEc
compra de recarga de celulares purchase of mobile top up
Entered by: patinba
comprarme con amenazas ni con dinero buy me with threats or money
comprimida in very samll / tiny print
compromiso de mínimos basic compromise
compromiso formativo commitment to training
Compruebe nuestra calidad Vouch for our quality; Quality is our name; A1 OK Quality
con ética al servicio in keeping with our values
Entered by: Patricia Bower
con carácter de with a personal touch/feel
con diferencia by far
con el famoso equis y gé whose system is the well-known x and y
con el respeto correspondiente respectfully
Entered by: Steven Huddleston
con el ropaje de una recompensa a la sensatez was dressed up in the guise of a reward for good sense/ judgement/ being sensible
con gente de tanto podríamos formar más jóvenes we have talked to many people about the possibility of educating more youngsters
con la puesta en común de experiencias by presenting experiences from
con letras minúsculas (figurative) ... of people whose story is written small, but which upholds that other Story written large ...
Con los sentimientos de mi más alta y distinguida consideración. with the utmost esteem and consideration
con mayor algarabía more boisterous/exuberant
Con motivo del feriado correspondiente a la Declaratoria de la Independencia will be closed for Independence Day
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