The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Spanish to English General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters Translation Glossary

Spanish term English translation
evitar la necesidad de recurrir a otros medios legales to avoid having to resort to further legal measures
Evolución enfermería outpatient progress
Entered by: EirTranslations
exactamente con su original que he tenido a la vista. true to the original (text/version) which I had before me (in front of me)
Excelentísima Señora Presidenta // Excelentísimo Señor Alcalde Honorable Madam President / Honorable Mayor
Excelentísimo Embajador de ... Your Excellency, Ambassador of.....
Excelentisimo Señor X His Excellency The Right Honourable Mr. X
Entered by: Elise Tiberghien
excesos en el lenguaje inappropriate language
Entered by: AllegroTrans
Excmo His Honour
Excmo. (abbreviation for a title in a letter) Excelentísimo
Entered by: Kimberlee Thorne
expansiones libres open areas/expanses
experiencia probada Proven experience
experincias latinoamericanas en la asistencia a las vistimas de la trata de pers Latin American experience on aid to victims of human trafficking
expletar el aparato operate the device
exportar cerebros export brainpower/know-how
extensas jornadas de guardia long days on call
extorsión de sus horarios taking the piss/taking advantage of your time
extraer con rotundidad it cannot be determined with absolute certainty
facilidad de acceso telefónico dial-up accessibility
facilidad de ubicación y de ver knack for pinning down and observing
facilitando la practicidad en la participación making it easy to participate
Faena Glyphosate (Faena - brand name for herbicide)
Entered by: Kimberlee Thorne
falta de claridad lack of clarity
faltas de puntualidad times being late to work
famoseo celebrities / the jet set
fantasma en compañía a fellow ghost
fecha de salida propuesta ha superado el día en curso departure date indicated is earlier than today
Fecha Edición Informe Report publication date
ferrita the little cap [misunderstanding for "gorrita"]
fiambre cold cuts; cold meat
fiel a in keeping with
fiestas tematizadas y participativas interactive theme parties
Entered by: Melissa Mann
fina cortesía de c/o (care of)
fines especiales special purposes
Firma: P/A por autorización / por ausencia // pro persona / signed on behalf of
Entered by: Rafael Molina Pulgar
Fiteqa-CCOO y fia-UGT, Spanish Unions Fiteqa-CCOO and fia-UGT
flácido limp
flechazo crush/infatuation
folio poly pocket/plastic pocket/sheet protector
forma de ser familiar y hogareña. [her] friendly/natural way of putting people at ease
formalización anual annual agreement
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