The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Spanish to English General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters Translation Glossary

Spanish term English translation
tú síguele echando huevos you keep working your guts out
Tú te estás robando los guantes, la verdad. You\'re not making things easy for yourself
te abre muchas puertas opens many doors for you
te aprecio I am fond of you
te atreves Do you have what it takes to show good manners?
Entered by: EirTranslations
te crea un nivel donde si no creas exigencia sets a standard where unless you are demanding of yourself
Te hable de mi equipaje la ultimate vez verdad I spoke to you about my luggage the last time, didn't I
te perdonaba muchas veces la vida al pedirla algo who acted as if she was doing you a favor when you asked for something
te puedes hinchar you can stuff yourself/gorge yourself/pig out
Entered by: Rebecca Hendry
tecnología y campo aplicación Technology and Its Fields of Application
tejidos productivos productive networks
teléfono de la oficina , teléfono de la casa work number, home number
Entered by: Joseph Tein
telecabina cable car
tenérsela jurada a alguien to have someone on a black list
tenía carácter magico had magical properties
tender la mano offer a helping hand
tenemos algunas limitaciones en cuanto a la disponibilidad para reunirnos we are somewhat limited in terms of schedule availability
tener a monte to bother someone continuously
tener la otra parte de consciencia de que está bien we must be aware that it it the right thing to do
Tener punteria To be a good shot.
Tengo entendido que Roberto Flavell se comunicó con usted I understand that Roberto Flavell contacted you
tengo flexibilidad en cuanto a fechas I am flexible as to the dates
Terrassa, mi residencia, a uno de junio de dos mil seis. Terassa, where my professional offices are located, on the first of June of the year two thousand...
testigo de funcionamiento de pistola operational tell-tale of a gun
Entered by: Rene Ron
texto libre absoluto unformatted text
textos de divulgación Texts for public use
Entered by: Ruth Ramsey
This is XXXX,, un país que crece todos los días gracias a su gente This is XXXX, a country that grows day by day thanks to its people
tiempo cenagoso murky times
Entered by: Rene Ron
tiendas de grandes superficies / las grandes superficies supermarkets/department stores/hypermarkets
Entered by: EirTranslations
tiene mundo worldly
tiene poco poder de síntesis she is not very good at getting to the point
Tienes un buen rollo que es para morirse You're a regular little ray of sunshine, aren't you?
tierras de labor, bosques relictas de roble, bosque de ribera cultivated fields, remnant (patches of) oak woodland, riverside woodland
Timbre del Estado State stamp
Tipo num. numbering type
tirar barra slack off
Entered by: BristolTEc
tirar de vivas take for a ride (BrE), pull a fast one (AmE), take advantage of
Entered by: Kathryn Litherland
tirar la piedra y esconder la mano engage in hit-and-run journalism
tirar manteca al techo to have plenty of money to burn
tirar una moneda al aire para obtener cara o ceca flip a coin to get heads or tails
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