The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Spanish to English General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters Translation Glossary

Spanish term English translation
viejito bisnero old toiler
Viejo pendejo stupid old fucker
viendo el payaso y soltando la risa show me the goods
vigencia validity
viniendo de Espana es algo majestuoso coming from Spain, it is majestic/magnificent/ it is something majestic/magnificent
vino con todo y porra came with his/her own cheering section/squad
Entered by: Marcelo González
vino de honor closing wine reception
violeteras violet sellers
virtual desmantelamiento virtual dismantling
visionadas viewed
vistos el artículo citado y demás general y pertinente aplicación, dispongo: by virtue of the above-mentioned and other generally applicable articles, I hereby decree/stipulate
vivirla de verdad (which film would you love to) \'step inside\'
Entered by: EirTranslations
volaron sobre telas glided through the air on pieces of cloth that they fancied magic carpets
voluntad de trabajo willingness to work
voluntariosa pero insuficiente luna dim light afforded by the moon
voy a buscar adonde sería la vuelta I'm going to find out where the errand needs to be done
Voy [a] hacer que él se vaya solito I'll make him (want to) leave (all) by himself/on his own
Entered by: Marcelo González
wada hassle
Entered by: Edward Tully
X puntos de cocaína 0.X points of cocaine
xx ni que xx - you must be joking! / - you can't be serious!
y ahora vengo precisamente de ahí and in fact I have just been there
Entered by: Janet Ross Snyder
y aun la presencia de bandidos y alimañas, no consiguieron arredrar ...and even before the presence of outlaws ...
y con esto termino, and this is my final point / and with this I shall conclude
y cuando hablamos del amor en pareja o en lo que concierne al amor en pareja.... and when speaking of love between a couple
y de su esposa.... (his) and his wife's (son) / (his son) and the son of his wife ...
y ellos pusieron el investigador and they provided the investigator
Y este programa continúa. And now, back to our program
Entered by: Martin Boyd
Y no por ser más necesario es directamente ayudado And no direct help is available, despite the urgent need
y nosotros cobrar por la fason/fazon and we'll do piece work/work at piece rates
Entered by: Edward Tully
y pensar que and to think that
y que con el tiempo pasaron a conocerse en su conjunto como Ruta and throughout time as a whole became known as the Silk Route
y que envuelve a todos en la actividad and involving everyone in the acitivity
y que mejor que de la mano de... and no better way than in the hands of one of the best.
y que nos podrías decir tu que lograste el fin And you... that you've made it, what can you tell us? What should be done with this place?
y que siempre se explique and that it will always make itself clear.
y que va a pasar con ella lo que tenga que pasar ya sea que regrese el agua ... and that what will happen to the cave is whatever has to happen: either the water goes back or ...
ya discurrían sin vivacidad alguna melted away without any (visible) impact/trace
Ya entrados en gastos While we're on the subject...
ya habían hecho sus vidas aparte were now living on their own
ya no hay respeto there's no (such thing as) respect any more
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