The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Spanish to English Marketing Translation Glossary

Spanish term English translation
permiso de ganancia gaining permission
Entered by: Robert Mavros
permite abarcar una gran cantidad de temas allows a large number of topics to be included
permite hacer un desplazamiento switch/shift
permiten considerar los fenómenos They enable the assessment of the events
persona humana human person
personal laboral educación auxiliary staff (in education)
peso in this context weight
Pesos sobre los que ponderar Indicators for weighting (data)
picaje digitised embroidery pattern/design
piel outer layer
pieza/registro piece/awareness
Entered by: Valeria Verona
pilar pillar
pilares de la compañía pillars of the company
pilotaje de resultados monitoring of results / results monitoring
Entered by: Rafael Molina Pulgar
pincho de bocao y pincho de vermouth nibbles and vermouth snacks
Entered by: Sara Brown
Pisacables Cable bridge
pisada floor graphics
Placer a flor de piel Sweet Pleasure of the Skin
Entered by: Victoria Frazier
Plan de explotación de la innovación Design a Plan for Using Innovations
planes tipo standard/typical
plantea la conveniencia de nuevas vías suggests companies should adopt new approaches if they …
plantearse / plantear arise from ...
plataforma diferencial alternative platform
plaza market
Plásticamente aesthetically/visually
PLB Private Labels
plenero pleneros (leave as is)
población de alcance target population/audience/group
poco confiable not very reliable or dependable
podas de setos pruning of hedges
polariza en atractivo has a \'Marmite\' factor
política marquista brand-based policy
Polvo diluible en agua water soluble powder
poner en común roll into one
Entered by: Simon Bruni
Porcentaje de surtido (order) fill rate
portafolletos leaflet stand/literature stand
Entered by: Rebecca Hendry
Portal portal
portales de clasificados multimedios multimedia (classified) ad(s) portals
posicionar la marca position the brand
posiciones funciales functional positions
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