The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Spanish to English Marketing Translation Glossary

Spanish term English translation
negocio particular private business
Ni todo es “razón”, ni todo es “corazón". Not everything is "head"; not everything is "heart".
Ninguna persona es igual a otra No two people are the same
Entered by: Valeria Verona
niveles donde la TV está saturada have come to a point where TV advertising has reached saturation level
no correntistas Not (an) account holder.
Entered by: Kimberlee Thorne
No espere a que se lo cuenten Don´t wait for others to tell you
no hay dos iguales no two are alike
no llegaba just under / it was less than that
no se consigue descender el ratio a reduction in the ratio to that of previous years was not reached
Entered by: Edward Tully
No te quedes sin hablar don't be left speechless
no todo el mundo puede permitírsela not within everyone's reach
normativa exigible enforceable standard
normativo normative (reference groups)
Entered by: Robert Mavros
Nos avala la confianza de nuestros Clientes Our clients' trust is our most valuable asset.
nos devuelve el ROI de cada campaña shows us the ROI for each campaign
nos incluimos (in this context) get inside
nos permiten una amplia capacidad de contratación which allows us a large contracting capacity
notoriedad awareness (but do read the notes)
notoriedad de marcas brand name recognition
notoriedad espontanea/notoriedad sugerida unaided (spontaneous) awareness / aided (prompted) awareness
NSE: A/B, C+ NRS Social Grade A/B, C1, C2 etc.
nuestras ventas frente a our sales in comparison with
nuestros tientes tiñen de una forma homogénea y no levantan la beta Our dyes colour/color evenly and don\'t leave streaks.
nuevos clientes no potenciales new, currently non-prospective clients
O.T. Mecánica / O.T. Eléctrica Mechanical/Electrical Technical Office
Entered by: Richard Jenkins
objetivo final target (start-up) date
objetivos de captaciones y de retenciones. (customer) recruitment and loyalty objectives
Obtener informes de Análisis de la Competencia a partir de los datos disponibles To obtain competition analysis reports based on the available data
ocupacion publicitaria (see context) advertisement content
ocupacion publicitaria de las revistas de alta gama ..... upmarket magazines
oferta de servicios provide services
ofertas cercanas upcoming offers
Entered by: Reed James
Ofertas no acumulables Offers may not be combined
oficial adv. 1º oficial adjunto: clerk assistant / oficial administrativo: administrative officer (AO)
oficina - despacho workplace - office
operar (in this context) handle
Operatividad de los Modelos operational efficiency of the models
optimos días calles optimise days sales outstanding
organización de la pauta structured pattern (of the group interviews)
Entered by: Mónica Algazi
organizaciones de referencia benchmark organizations
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