The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Spanish to English General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters Translation Glossary

Spanish term English translation
debemos poner en duda la misma we should question
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
deber del estado duty of the State
Deberá sustituirse las xxxx por la yyyy [the xxx] should be replaced by [the yyy]
declararlo enajenado declare him incapacitated
Entered by: EirTranslations
Declaro que ambos tienen una relacion de pareja desde Julio2009\" I state that they have had an intimate partner relationship
decubito central prone position
dedicar un recuerdo emocionado pay a heartfelt tribute to
Entered by: Simon Bruni
dedicarme al campo de la salud the practice of medicine
deformación profesional occupational habit
Dejar a alguien a su suerte Leave her to her fate
dejar en evidencia it's a dead giveaway
dejar todo en la cancha give it their all on the field
dejarlo estar let\'s give it a rest / let it be
Entered by: M. Luz Gorricho
dejarlo todo atado y bien atado to leave things well and truly stitched up
Entered by: Carol Gullidge
Dejarse llevar to get carried away
dejas las cosas bien ligadas en el trabajo dejar bien atado/ligado = to leave everything properly tied up / leave no loose ends
dejaste de gatear. since you first learned how to walk//since you were a todler
del agarrador by the handle
del estilo de along the lines of
del riesgo cubierto por concerning the risk(s) covered by
delataba hasta el roce de una sandalia the faintest scuffing of a sandal could be distinguished
demostrando siempre displaying at all times (the most exemplary conduct and ...)
dentro de lo que cabe all things considered, the hospital does the best that it can
depósito municipal Municipal warehouse/storage facility/impound lot
Derecho Humanitario: derechos del hombre y derechos humanos Humanitarian Law: the Rights of Man and human rights
Entered by: Marina Soldati
derechos fee
Entered by: Lota
derechos filiales filial rights
Entered by: EirTranslations
derrochar simpatía radiate charm
desafiar to defy/defied
desangramientos colectivos massive blood-letting
desaplicación withdrawal
Entered by: EirTranslations
desarrollo procedure
descalificativo defamatory term/expression
descarga de prueba discharge test
descargar download
descubri con sorpresa y dolor que... to my surprise and dismay I discovered that...
Descuentos y costos preferenciales Special rates and discounts
Entered by: Coral Getino
Descuideros de ropa Clothes thieves
Entered by: Edward Tully
Desde aqui, y para que llegue a lo mas alto... From here to the heavens, 26 million thanks.
desde el aceitero del eje de la máquina, everyone including the machine axle oiler
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