The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Spanish to English General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters Translation Glossary

Spanish term English translation
Desde la de treinta y tantos años hasta la de seis años... From the one of thirty-something down to the six-year-old
Entered by: patinba
Desde luego of course
desde que accedió a la cartera since he came to office
desde...pasando por...hasta
deseas superarte you want to get ahead
desenrolarse discharged/separated/ withdrew
Deseo, a todas las personas que lean este libro, que se atrevan a descubrir I hope this book will encourage you/readers
desfasados off their head
Entered by: Joaquim Siles-Borràs
desfase gap
desfilado thinned out
desfile de carrozas temáticas a parade with themed floats
Desfile del parque automotor... y de los jinetes de la Agrupación Gaucha. Parade of vehicle fleet and the Gaucho Association horsemen
desgravio condemn
Entered by: Edward Tully
deshecho undone
Entered by: EirTranslations
Deslindar responsabilidades Allocate responsibilities
Entered by: Edward Tully
deslocalizaciones empresariales company/corporate/business relocations
Entered by: Edward Tully
desmechada shaggy
despacho team
despedida de soltero bachelor party
Entered by: Fabio Descalzi
despertará sus inquietudes will stimulate his curiosity; stimulate him to wonder, to ask questions
Desplazamiento, alojamiento y manutención a cargo del cliente travel time, room and board at the client's expense
despliega significados reveals meanings
despliegue (de producción) a major production effort
despliegue del mesocosmos implementation of the mesocosm
Entered by: EirTranslations
después desde and (then) from ...
destacándose de manera tanto profesional como personal Standing out both professionally and personally
desván gatero cockloft (cock-loft) / garret
desvelado (spelling mistake, desuelado) unable to sleep
deterioro del ambiente político deterioration of the political environment
devenir tecnológico sin pausas continuous (ongoing) technological evolution
di una parte peligrosa a vital part
Entered by: Marcelo González
diacona diáfana > crystal clear
diario de mayor circulación en el país the country's most widely circulated/biggest-selling (daily) newspaper
Entered by: Michele Fauble
Diaz cortejó a las clases medias Diaz courted the middle classes
Diez años llevando cuernos como una búfala y ni viuda me los puedo quitar Ten years of being cheated on, and now that he's gone I still can't forget it
difíciles espacios de sociabilidad difficult (physical) spaces (not conducive) for socialization
difundir provides information / makes information available (on)
difusión al público general. dissemination to the general public
digirles unas palabras to share/say a few words
Entered by: EirTranslations
dignísimas autoridades distinguished authorities
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