The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Spanish to English General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters Translation Glossary

Spanish term English translation
S-------/-------D ; S/D omit (or "by hand")
Entered by: eski
Saber es pensar y transmitir Knowledge is (the ability) to think and to convey/impart (information).
Entered by: Renee Mazloum
saber nadar y guardar la ropa to cover one's back
sacar a otros lados send to other places
sacarle el cuerpo shirk (his responsibilities)
sacarle punta a getting mileage out of
sacarte a los medios pull/drag you out to the dance floor
sacrificada self-sacrificing
sacristán sacristan
salario básico mínimo legal vigente current legal minimum wage
sale a escena takes centre stage
sale, por fin, a la luz pública, gracias al empeño que ha puesto en ello hace mucho tiempo... is being published at last thanks to the tireless efforts of...
salida issued
Entered by: Laura Gómez
salida a tiro tee-off
salidas de soltera the (single) girls' nights out
salir de fiesta go partying / go out partying
saltar por to mention
salto de rengión salto de renglón instead
salud de un roble as strong as an oak/as healthy as a horse
Entered by: EirTranslations
Saludos a los miembros de la Mesa A warm welcome to all participants/delegates
Salvo convenio en contra expresamente indicado en contrato... except as otherwise stated / unless provided otherwise / except as otherwise expressly provided
San Segundo Saint Secundus
Entered by: Marcelo González
sí se daría potenciando los diferentes proyectos de ley would be achieved by promoting / carrying through the various bills
Sí, les digo a veces la verdad a mis amigos Yes, sometimes I tell my friends the truth.
Síndico Trustee
se atiene a una hermana policía sticking with a helpful female police officer* (sister, see below)
se compadecían más de mi they seemed to take even greater pity on me
se comportó de una forma vergonzosa Alice behaved apallingly/disgracefully towards me
se constituye en orgullo para toda su comunidad is a source of pride for the entire community
Se cuidan los centavos y se pierden los pesos penny-wise and pound-foolish
se da el caso it sometimes happens that...
se danza a manera de veneración con expresiones humildes it's performed with great humility to show (their) devotion
se debe afectaciones internas caused by internal issues at the Department of Education
se desprenden de cuanto tienen Give of themselves and share everything they know
se disfrazó el acostumbrado galardón a la mujer honrada the usual/customary reward of the virtuous woman was disguised
se expide esta constancia a solicitud del interesado this certificate/certification is issued at/upon request of the interested party
Se extiende el certificado a pedido de la interesada y para los fines que estime this certificate is issued on behalf of the interested party and for all purposes deemed necessary
se extiende el presente certificado a petición del interesado..... this certificate is hereby issued at the request of the interested party
Se extiende la presente para los fines licitos que el solicitante requiera. this XXX is hereby issued/granted for all pertinent legal purposes the applicant may require / at the request of the applicant
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