The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Spanish to English Marketing Translation Glossary

Spanish term English translation
Logramos que la mitad de los registrados al programa fueran We succeeded in ensuring half of the people registered on the program were
Entered by: Joaquín DONDO
lograr promociones y lograr ascender profesionalmente get promoted and move up the career ladder
lomo americano glued bookbinder
los bricos bricos, do-it-yourself
los efectos de las variables latentes entre si the effects of the latent variables on each other
los mayores con autonomia independence...
los papeles de constitución the incorporation papers
los pilares en materia de ventas mainstays of sales
lujo en su estado más puro luxury at its purest / best
madre concesora indulgent mother/a mother who gives in
manchado macchiato
manta publicitaria banner
mapear las funcionalidades trace the functionalities
maquetas del grupo (de música) Demo disc
Maquila/maquilar maquiladora industry
maquilado processing
Entered by: Marcelo González
marca única unique brand, we do do not manufacture for other brand names
marca de calidad quality label
marca el día a día that shape our (everyday) lives // that shape our world
marca Faro flagship brand
marca gráfica graphic mark
Entered by: Justin Peterson
marcado en relieve o en hueco embossed [recessed or raised]
marcaje in this context prices
marcas abanderadas Flagship brands
marcas de mayor recordación most easily recognized brands
marcas por imagen brand image/brand imaging
marcas saturadas over-saturated brands
margen de maniobra room for manoeuvre
Market Research (Sentence) please see below
Entered by: Edward Tully
marketing marketing (en España y Argentina)
marketing de resultados en internet online/Internet marketing for results
marketing ferial tradeshow or convention marketing
Marketing Turístico tourism marketing
marketing viral viral marketing
maruja typical housewife
mas buscado que encontrado often sought after but seldom found
Entered by: Richard Jenkins
matices nuances
mayor aporte de la Publicidad Better advertising returns/results
Entered by: Edward Tully
mayor benevolencia freer interpretation of
Mayor volumen de spots televisivos. Menor capacidad de recuerdo de los mismos Larger volume of TV commercials. Less ability to remember them.
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