167 registrants

The 2016 ProZ.com Grand Prize Giveaway

Jan 10, 2017

Conference recap


Date: Jan 10, 2017
Registrants: 167
Attendees: 104
Sessions: 0

Conference feedback

No page available, what happened? Aleksandra Nikolic, Professional Translator DE<>SR

Aleksandra Nikolic
Member since: Dec 12, 2013

I wonder: what about the 14 Apple watches? Who won those?

Member since: Jan 30, 2013

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Chat session:

Chat session is based on session start and end time. There may be some overlap.

Time From To Content
13:55 Jun 6, 2014 Henry Dotterer: 1 All hi all again, my name is Cesar, although the system displays David
13:56 Jun 6, 2014 Henry Dotterer: 1 All I do not know why
13:56 Jun 6, 2014 Henry Dotterer: 1 All :)
13:56 Jun 6, 2014 Peter Motte: 30753 All No, but I've always had the feeling that CAT and MT start from a different basis, but will end up with the same end result.
13:56 Jun 6, 2014 Lucia Leszinsky: 855539 All What result would that be, Peter?
13:57 Jun 6, 2014 Piero Intonti: 679522 All Hello Peter, I agree with you.
13:57 Jun 6, 2014 Peter Motte: 30753 All Euh, the same... In the ideal situation, a perfect translation. In reality, a translation which needs editing.
13:57 Jun 6, 2014 Henry Dotterer: 1 All and so,more work for us: editing job :)
13:58 Jun 6, 2014 Peter Motte: 30753 All I hope so :S
13:58 Jun 6, 2014 Lucia Leszinsky: 855539 All And do you think that, if that's the case, NT will end up costing more than human translation?
13:58 Jun 6, 2014 Lucia Leszinsky: 855539 All I meant MT sorry
13:58 Jun 6, 2014 starlightaloud: 1624756 All I'll start worrying when MT reaches Star Trek level, until then...
13:59 Jun 6, 2014 Henry Dotterer: 1 All I think many people and companies that have no interest in paying a translation will be using MT, and so we will have more work in editing
13:59 Jun 6, 2014 Piero Intonti: 679522 All I think the most energy consuming part is editing. But Tm is absolutely a necessity.
14:00 Jun 6, 2014 Piero Intonti: 679522 All On the market, there are new plug-in that facilitate and automatize this phase.
14:01 Jun 6, 2014 starlightaloud: 1624756 All automatised editing phase?
14:02 Jun 6, 2014 Henry Dotterer: 1 All translation maybe
14:02 Jun 6, 2014 Henry Dotterer: 1 All edition is reserved for beings able to think!
14:03 Jun 6, 2014 Henry Dotterer: 1 All not machines :)
14:04 Jun 6, 2014 Piero Intonti: 679522 All yes, but not all the "elements". There are coming new guidelines to facilitate it. You can go on you tube and see sometihng on TAUS
14:04 Jun 6, 2014 Peter Motte: 30753 All Lots of MT research has been done by universities, so it's paid by the state, the tax dollars or euro's hard at work. That takes away part of the burden from the companies selling it. There are also the TM's (translation memories), which grew during the years, and I think MT will use those TM's.
14:05 Jun 6, 2014 Peter Motte: 30753 All So, in my view, MT is only a new way to treat the material in the TM's.
14:06 Jun 6, 2014 Piero Intonti: 679522 All Sure, if you have to edit a pdf document there are difficulties and hurdles.
14:07 Jun 6, 2014 Peter Motte: 30753 All Yes, still are. I had to do a word count on a pdf the day before yesterday. I still don't trust the automated systems in case they miss something.
14:08 Jun 6, 2014 Peter Motte: 30753 All Has anybody of us already worked with MT? And how were the results?