167 registrants

The 2016 ProZ.com Grand Prize Giveaway

Jan 10, 2017

Conference recap


Date: Jan 10, 2017
Registrants: 167
Attendees: 104
Sessions: 0

Conference feedback

No page available, what happened? Aleksandra Nikolic, Professional Translator DE<>SR

Aleksandra Nikolic
Member since: Dec 12, 2013

I wonder: what about the 14 Apple watches? Who won those?

Member since: Jan 30, 2013

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Chat session:

Chat session is based on session start and end time. There may be some overlap.

Time From To Content
12:05 Jun 26, 2014 Elizabeth Kulikov: 1806613 All also, i've read clients requiring work done on certain CATs- why is that? How does the CAT used to translate a document affect the outcome? File format, or...?
12:06 Jun 26, 2014 Laura Ester Hernández: 1056313 All Thank you so much, Guillaume....
12:06 Jun 26, 2014 SDL_Guillaume: 1660157 All Word 2003 est pris en charge par Studio 2014
12:06 Jun 26, 2014 SDL_Guillaume: 1660157 All ela di
12:06 Jun 26, 2014 SDL_Guillaume: 1660157 All cela dit
12:06 Jun 26, 2014 SDL_Guillaume: 1660157 All a majorité des fichiers que vous recevrez de l'extérieur ne seront pas compatibles avec 2003
12:06 Jun 26, 2014 SDL_Steve: 1242940 All @Keelin
12:06 Jun 26, 2014 SDL_Guillaume: 1660157 All par conséquent
12:06 Jun 26, 2014 Thierry Bourguet: 1216301 All ?
12:07 Jun 26, 2014 SDL_Steve: 1242940 All Iwopuld need to check your actual version
12:07 Jun 26, 2014 SDL SteveBarlow: 1649755 All @Elizabeth - the reson for this is to assist in preventing corruption to the files when they are converted.
12:07 Jun 26, 2014 SDL_Steve: 1242940 All before anwereing this
12:07 Jun 26, 2014 SDL_Guillaume: 1660157 All la solution serait de majorer Word 2003 à une version plus récente
12:07 Jun 26, 2014 SDL_Steve: 1242940 All because certauin versions do have compatibility issues
12:07 Jun 26, 2014 SDL_Guillaume: 1660157 All pour éviter ces problèmes d'incompatibilité
12:07 Jun 26, 2014 Thierry Bourguet: 1216301 All Il y a des passerelles pour convertir les fichiers entre les différentes versions de WOrld etc..
12:08 Jun 26, 2014 SDL_Steve: 1242940 All @keelin- I can give you my email address in a private chat
12:08 Jun 26, 2014 keelin feeney: 665560 All Ah okay. I think I will wait for the new feature to come in then...or at least till I buy a new laptop as having one on each system might be the best way to avoid compatibility problems.
12:08 Jun 26, 2014 Elizabeth Kulikov: 1806613 All so it has nothing to do with TM? Like a company has a certain TM they want to share with you or make available to you for the desired result?
12:08 Jun 26, 2014 SDL SteveBarlow: 1649755 All Hi William - please email me direct with your question so i can send it to our product development team for you
12:08 Jun 26, 2014 SDL_Guillaume: 1660157 All Je suis désolé, la source du problème est dans Word, pas dans Studio
12:08 Jun 26, 2014 SDL_Guillaume: 1660157 All my pleasure Laura
12:08 Jun 26, 2014 Thierry Bourguet: 1216301 All Etres-vous sûr que ça règlerait mes problèmes ? Parce que là je me retrouve avec un llogiciel dont je ne me sers pas parce qu'il bugue quand je veux faire un aperçu avant impression
12:09 Jun 26, 2014 keelin feeney: 665560 All Okay, thank you, Steve.
12:09 Jun 26, 2014 SDL_Steve: 1242940 All Hi